(Summer ’15) Sade Nabahe ’17 & Johanna Greenspan-Johnson ’17
Sade Nabahe (’17, Mechanical Engineering) Johanna Greenspan-Johnson (’17, Architecture, Urban Studies and Planning)
Sade Nabahe and Johanna Greesnpan-Johnson will spend the summer in the small rural community of Rayampampa, Peru, focusing on improving cooking-related health issues for local families. Over the span of the fall semester and IAP, Johanna, Sade and their team learned about improved cook stove theories, prototype development and implementation both at MIT and in Peru. This semester they recreated, tested and improved the initial design for their return to Rayampampa. This summer they will evaluate their project’s progress, continue to work with the community to co-design stoves that fit their lifestyles and hold creative capacity building workshops to teach about cooking safety while encouraging the community to create other technologies to meet their needs.