PKG Fellowships: Yunus Sevilmi, Part III
Check out Part I and Part II of Yunus’ experience!
Tough Nuts to Crack
Coming up on the first anniversary of incorporating Almond Finance, it was our resilient team and resourceful support network that turned the multiple crises of the past year into opportunities.
Over 2020, the Almond team has grown to 11 people including current grad students from MIT and Harvard, researchers and industry veterans, based in the US and Myanmar. Enduring the common uncertainties of an early stage startup, made worse by the pandemic, the Almond team navigated through multiple course corrections, celebrated the highs and reflected through the lows. Seeking to strike a balance between “doing good” as a for-profit company and “doing well” in terms of social impact motivated the team as we established a company culture based on accountability, transparency and resilience.

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Tags: PKG Fellowships, PKG IAP Fellowships 2021, Tech, Tech for Good