From the Blog

(Summer ’12) Zsuzsa Megyery ’12
PSC Intern. The Caribbean Environmental Health Institute (CEHI) in Castries, St. Lucia, West Indies has agreed to host Zsuzsa Megyery this summer. Her project approaches water security, as the problem…
(Summer ’12) Dan Rinzler G
PSC Intern. This summer, Dan will work full time for ten weeks for the California Housing Partnership Corporation (CHPC) out of its Los Angeles Office. CHPC is a State-sponsored nonprofit…
(Summer ’12) Melissa Higbee ’13
August 31, 2012: Summer Wrap-Up AdaptLA: No one said planning was easy The deadline for City Departments to submit comments and revisions to the vulnerability assessment came and went with…
(IAP ’12) Joy Ekuta ’13
Third Blog-1.20.12: The End After 3 weeks of preparation and hard-work…the project has been completed! During the second week of the program, the students were to: 1.) Complete the designs…
(IAP ’12) Kevin Kung ’14
February 6: Not kwaheri but baadaye Our last day in Nairobi began with shopping for lots of food with Daniel again—we bought 6 kg of ugali, 3 kg of meat,…
(IAP ’12) Greg Tao G
I am a part of a team working on a low-cost autoclave for small clinics in the developing world. We began our work in early 2011 to combat the problem…
(IAP ’12) Diana Jue G
Diana Jue traveled to India to implement Essmart. Essmart is an essential technology distributor with an in-store presence. Currently, essential technologies such as bicycle-powered machines, affordable solar lanterns, and smokeless…
(Summer ’12) Mariko Davidson G
PSC Intern Mariko will work with the Institute of Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) — an international non-profit — in Ahmedabad, India on a new initiative to increase pedestrian and…
(IAP ’12) Deborah Hanus ’12
Deborah and Alorah Harman (2011, Course 1) took an early winter trip and traveled to Cambodia, partnering with the Harpswell Foundation, a women’s dormitory and leadership center located in Tuek…
(IAP ’12) Shen Huang ’12
Third Blog-2/5/12: Wrap up After three weeks in Sabana Grande, Nicaragua, my IAP field experience has come to a close. I have made so many friends in this little community…