Jenna Winocur

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Jenna Winocur

Jenna Winocur supports the IDEAS Social Innovation Challenge accelerator and fosters community engagement on social entrepreneurship through the PKG Center. She is pursuing a master’s in educational leadership, organizations, and entrepreneurship (ELOE) at Harvard University and is working with innovative new technologies to build accessible, high-quality educational initiatives in international development contexts. Jenna majored in social innovation at Cornell University, and she co-founded the largest student organization for social entrepreneurship on campus. She also co-founded Life Changing School to teach social entrepreneurship to high school students around the world. After graduation, Jenna worked in venture capital and with startup accelerators, supporting founders from idea to growth-stage. She continues to volunteer with the Mona Foundation to facilitate the Think Globally, Act Locally service leadership program. Jenna is a community builder and a frequent pitch judge, startup mentor, or speaker on social innovation, education technology, and global impact. She is on a mission to increase equitable access to quality education through technology. In her free time, she’s an avid swing dancer!