Social Impact Internships: Anna Mai (’23)

One of a Kind

Thrown into a PKG internship for the first time

ever Anticipation, excitement and fear clouded my

mind As I thought of ways to be more clever

Knowing this opportunity was one of a kind

MaineCare is the place to be

Matching with my personal goals

Of making changes in healthcare equity

Along with three other students of similar roles

We explored the software SQL in a few weeks

Having had no experience before

Developing important techniques

Learning about coding, databases and more

Weekly meetings to discuss our progress and theory

Tasks assigned on any given day

Bonding over the struggles of a certain query

I wouldn’t want to have it any other way

Meeting peers with the same vision

Improving the healthcare industry as our general mission

I knew I made the right decision

In accepting this position

As IAP comes to an end

There is a lot on my mind

But I would highly recommend

This experience that was one of a kind

Hello! I’m Anna and I’m a senior studying chemical engineering and business management (Course 10-15). This IAP, I was a data analytics intern at Maine Department of Health and Human Services. My project was to analyze the provider claims database using SQL.

This poem reflects on my internship experience. This was my first time engaging in a PKG internship so I was slightly overwhelmed in the beginning with lots of emotions including anticipation, excitement, and fear. However, I gradually got the hang of things over time and I was able to enjoy the process a lot more. My main responsibility includes learning SQL to create queries that will organize the provider enrollment database. Then, I will be creating a KPI dashboard on Power BI to summarize the findings. This is important in measuring the capacity and identifying access issues. I am interested in improving healthcare equity and this project aligns with my interests in determining some of the problems within the industry.

Tags: Social Impact Internships, Social Impact Internships IAP 2023

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