From the Blog

(Summer ’16) Andres Achury Garcia, G
Andres Achury Garcia (G, Urban Studies and Planning) Andres will be working at The Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) in Mexico City during the summer of 2016. He expects…
(Summer ’16) Ricardo Martinez Campos, G
Ricardo Martínez Campos (G, Urban Studies and Planning) Ricardo will spend his summer as an intern in the Department of Transportation of the City of Monterrey in Mexico. He will…
(Summer ’16) Laura Adelman, G
Laura Adelman (G, Management) Laura will be working in business development for a solar microgrid company in Nairobi, Kenya—PowerGen Renewable Energy.  She will be supporting business development, strategy, operations, and…
(Summer ’16) Katie Arthur, G
Katie Arthur (G, Comparative Media Studies) The UK’s smoggy industrial past and consumerist present means it is a top offender for carbon emissions. Between 1850 and 2007, the UK constituted…
(Summer ’16) Francis Goyes, G
Francis Goyes (G, Urban Studies and Planning) Francis will spend the summer in her home city of Quito, where she will be collaborating with the Municipality of Quito’s Secretary of…
(Summer ’16) Lily Bui, G
Lilian Bui (G, Comparative Media Studies) Lily will be spending this summer in Barcelona, Spain, working with Fab Lab Barcelona on an air quality monitoring project called SmartCitizen. This project…
(IAP ’16) Ricardo Martinez Campos, G
Ricardo Martinez Campos (G, Urban Studies & Planning) Ricardo will spend IAP in Mexico City where he will be working with the Mexican Social Security Institute in the Department of…
(IAP ’16) Francis Goyes, G
Francis Goyes (G, Urban Studies & Planning) Francis will spend IAP in Mexico, where she will be collaborating with Fundación Hogares to evaluate social housing projects built through INFONAVIT, Mexico’s…
(IAP ’16) Kristina Eldrenkamp, G
Kristina Eldrenkamp (G, Architecture) Kristina will spend January working on a collaborative design project with the Olive Branch for Children, a non-profit in Tanzania. The organization is constructing a complex…
(IAP ’16) Shahrin Islam, ’16
Shahrin Islam (’16, Chemical-Biological Engineering) Shahrin will be working with Access to Healthcare Network in Reno, NV. AHN is a non-profit serving low-income Nevadans get access to the resources they…